
Dermineur E., Gender and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Sweden, Queen Louisa Ulrika (1720-1782). Farnham: Routledge, 2017. 254p.

 Dermineur E., 2024. Before Banks, The Making of Credit and Debt in Preindustrial France. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009502641

Edited Volumes

 Dermineur E., Åsa Karlsson Sjögren and Virginia Langum (eds.), Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800. Routledge, Research in Gender and History series, 2018.

 Dermineur E. (ed.) Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe. Brepols, 2018. (open access)

Dermineur E & Pompermaier M, (eds) 2024. Credit Networks in The Preindustrial World - A Social Network Analysis Approach. Palgrave, 2024 (open access)

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Dermineur E., Kolanisi U., 2023. “Mutual Aid and Informal Finance: The Persistence of Stokvels”, The Thinker, 95:2, 35-43.

Dermineur E., Svetiev Y. Kolanisi U., 2022. “Financialisation and Sustainable Credit: Lessons from Non-Intermediated Transactions?”, Journal of Consumer Policy

Dermineur E. & Pompermaier M., 2022. “Credit Networks in Renaissance Florence: Revisiting the Catasto of 1427”, RiSES Journal of Economic and Social History, 2022, 1-2, pp 147-175.

Dermineur E., “The Evolution of Credit in pre-Industrial Finland”, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 70:1, 2022, pp 57-86.

Dermineur E., “Peer-to-Peer Lending in Pre-Industrial France”, Financial History Review, 26 (3) 2019, 359-388

Dermineur E., “Rethinking Debt: The Evolution of Private Credit Markets in Preindustrial France” in Social Science History, 42, (2), 2018, 317-342.

Dermineur, E. and Svetiev Yane, 2015. “The Fairness of Contractual Exchange in a Private Law Society: A Case Study of Early Modern Credit Markets”, in European Review of Contract Law, vol. 11, No. 3, 1-23.

Dermineur, E. 2015. “Trust, Norms of Cooperation and the Rural Credit Market in Eighteenth-Century France”, in the Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Spring 2015, Vol. 45, No. 4, 485-506.

Dermineur, E., 2014. “Les Paysannes et le Prêt au Dix-Huitième Siècle”, in Traverse, Revue d’Histoire/Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 2014/2, 53-64.

Dermineur, E., 2014. “Single Women and the Rural Credit Market in Eighteenth-Century France”, in The Journal of Social History, 48:1, 2014, 175-199.

Dermineur, E., 2012. “The Civil Judicial System in Early Modern France”, Frühneuzeit-Info, 23(2012), 45-52.

Book chapters

Dermineur E., Pompermaier M. and Tripodi C., 2025. “High Finance Networks in Renaissance Florence”, forthcoming

Dermineur E. 2024. “Credit, Solidarity Networks and the Rural Poor in Pre-Industrial France” in Paola Avallone & Donatella Strangio (eds), Different Forms of Microcredit and Social Business, Palgrave.

Dermineur E., 2025. “Peer to Peer Credit Networks in Sweden, 1810-1910” in J. Levy and C. Van Bochove Beyond Banks: A Comparative Framework for Understanding Credit Markets and Intermediation, Palgrave.

Dermineur E. 2024, “Historical Social Network Analysis and Early Financial Markets” in Dermineur E. & Matteo Pompermaier (eds.), Credit Networks in the Preindustrial World.

Dermineur E., 2024. “The Making of Credit and Debt in Pre-Industrial France” in Enabling Curiosity & Starting Careers: Honoring the Retirement of James R. Farr, H-France Forum, vol 15, issue 12.

Dermineur E., 2022. “The Wealth of the Swedish Nobility: The Case of Never Married Women, 1850–1910” in Anna Nilsson, Martin Almbjär and Daniel Nyström, Gender, Materiality and Politics, Nordic University Press, 2022.

Dermineur E., 2020. “Women in Early Financial Markets” in Erik Lakomaa (ed.), Past, Present and Future: Economic History in Eli F. Heckscher’s Footsteps. Stockholm, pp. 75-105.

Dermineur E., 2018. “Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe: an Overview” in E. Dermineur, Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe. Brepols, pp. 1-18.

Dermineur E., Åsa Karlsson Sjögren and Virginia Langum , 2018. “Introduction” in Dermineur E., Åsa Karlsson Sjögren and Virginia Langum (eds.), Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800. Routledge, Research in Gender and History series.

Dermineur E., 2018. “The Anatomy of Patriarchy in Early Modern France”. In E. Dermineur, Å. Sjögren Karlsson and V. Langum, Revisiting Gender in European History 1400-1800. Routledge.

Dermineur E., 2018. “Rural Credit Markets in 18th-century France: Contracts, Guarantees and Land”. In Chris Briggs (ed.), Land and Credit: Mortgages and Annuities in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside. Palgrave,.

Dermineur E., 2018. “Credit, Strategies and Female Empowerment in Early Modern France”. In E. Dermineur, Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe. Brepols, pp. 252-280.

Dermineur E., 2017. “Pride and Prejudice. Luise Ulrike of Sweden, the Pomeranian War and the Question of Loyalty” in Almut Bues (ed.), Friction and Failure, Cultural Encounters in Crisis. Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau. Quellen und Studien’. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 77-90.

Dermineur E., 2017. “Indebtedness”. In Susan Broomhall (ed.), Early Modern Emotions: An Introduction. Routledge, pp 195-198.

 Dermineur E., 2017. “Village”, In Susan Broomhall (ed.), Early Modern Emotions: An Introduction. Routledge, pp 238-240.

Dermineur E. and Norrhem Svante, 2016. “Luise Ulrike of Prussia, Queen of Sweden and the Search for Political Space.” In Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly and Adam Morton (eds), Cultural Encounters as Political Encounters: Queens Consort and European Politics, c.1500-1800, Routledge,, pp. 84-96

Dermineur E. 2016, “Widows’ Political Strategies in Traditional Communities: Negotiating Marital Status and Authority in Eighteenth Century France” in James Daybell and Svante Norrhem (Eds.), Gender and Political Culture, 1500-1800, Routledge, 2016. 123-139.

Dermineur, E., 2013. “Mechanisms of Collective Resentment: Gender War and the Alteration of Patriarchy in Eighteenth-Century Rural France”, in Bernardino Fantini, Dolores Martin Moruno, Javier Moscoso (Eds), On Resentment: Past and Present (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013), 111-131.

Working Papers


Dermineur, E., 2014. “Civil Justice in Early Modern France: Use, Current Trends and Perspectives in Recent Research”, UGPS Working Paper Series, 2014-5, Umeå University, 31 pages, 2014.

Dermineur, E., 2013. “Emotions of Indebted Peasants in Early Modern France, 1680-1785”, UGPS Working Paper Series, 2013-6, Umeå University, 21 pages, 2013.

Dermineur, E., 2011. “Rural Communities and the Reformation: Social Discipline and the Process of Confessionalization in Montbéliard, 1524-1660”, EUI working paper, Max Weber Programme, 24/2011, European University Press, 2011.


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